Writing a video game walkthrough can be a great way for an author to cement their status as an authority on a particular game or in the gaming industry in general.
Writing a walkthrough can initially seem simple, but it is more complex and involved a process than many might think. A deep and thorough understanding of the game itself is critical, and an eye for any detail that might help readers make it through a level or boss fight easier is invaluable.
When selecting a game to write a walkthrough for, it is best to choose one that is very familiar. The better the author knows the game, the more likely they will be to write an effective walkthrough. The process can also get repetitive, as playing the particular aspect of the game over and over is necessary to ensure all angles are covered.
Choose The Right Game

As mentioned above, choosing a game that is familiar is often key to writing a successful walkthrough. Choosing a less familiar game means it will take longer to get the walkthrough written while the author does their first playthrough and then gets familiar with the particular level chosen.
Make Notes While Playing

During playthroughs, making notes can be a great way to remember the important points to come back to in the article. Written notes can work, though it may end up time-consuming to pause the game every few seconds to make a note. Using voice notes can save time and prevent unnecessary stopping while doing gaming research for the article.
Know The Game Inside And Out

It is best to play the entire game a few times before attempting to write a walkthrough. This can better understand the game’s overall plot points and objectives, which can help inform the nature of the walkthrough article and provide readers with the best possible experience and guidance.
Let Readers Know What To Expect

Beginning with a table of contents can be ideal as it informs readers of what to expect in the article. The contents should allow readers to click through to the part of the article they want to go to, making their reading experience more enjoyable and efficient. Start with a short – one or two sentences – introduction explaining the purpose of the article before leading to the table of contents.
Add Pictures

Pictures can be a great way to help an audience absorb information. Screengrabs of parts of the game can be ideal for illustrating points throughout the article. Always check with the video game owner to ensure that using content from their games is allowed, as this is classed as intellectual property. How to include images will depend on the file format used. For instance, if the content is for private use as a PDF, knowing how to convert a JPG into a PDF file will be crucial.
Avoid Including Spoilers

Spoilers can be a sure way to leave a reader dissatisfied. When including plot information in the body of the article, it is best to limit any inclusion of plot points that might be considered spoilers. Some authors will include plot points up to the point of the walkthrough, while others will not mention anything that happens in-game beyond the scope of the article. The choice is down to the author, but it is often better to be overly cautious.
Keep Only Relevant Information

Too often, video walkthroughs can turn into reviews, which can lead the reader to move on to another article. If a reader has landed on a walkthrough, they want to get all the relevant information they need without having to sift through paragraphs of a review.
Keeping reviews and walkthroughs separate can help prevent this issue and encourage readers to return. Starting with a point-by-point explainer of the critical steps to take to beat a level is often the best choice. The article can then go into finer details in the main body of the article.
Proofread Thoroughly

Nothing can make an author seem less authoritative than seeing spelling mistakes in their work. Errors are normal, and no one is perfect, but even still ensuring minimal mistakes in an article is critical. Proofreading software is available that can be ideal for anyone who sometimes struggles to remember the proper grammar or spelling rules or doesn’t have much time to proofread.
Test It Out Before Publishing

Common mistake writers make in walkthrough articles is not ensuring their advice and guide works. Asking someone to use the guide to play through the level can ensure any issues are brought up before reaching the intended audience. Ideally, whoever tests out the walkthrough should not have played the game or specific level before using the walkthrough. If they aren’t able to get through the level using the walkthrough, some changes and tweaking may be needed.