Tag: PlayStation 5

Why PlayStation 5 Stands Out From The Crowd

We're all used to Sony dominating the high-end console market with the excellent PS4, but what makes the PS5 different -and is it really...

Apple adds support for new controllers, games console on the horizon?

Apple makes gamers happy with a new update that supports controls for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. The gaming market is one of the biggest...

No black PS5 for YOU, Mr and Mrs Internet

A company offering custom PlayStation 5s that look like the PS2 mysteriously shuts down, offers refunds, claims staff safety under threat. While we know for...

My Favourite Gaming Moments of 2020

I think we can all agree on one thing, and that's that 2020 should go fuck itself. On this, the last day of the...

CDPR apologises for how bad Cyberpunk 2077 is on consoles, promises fixes

"We should have paid more attention to making it play better on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One". UPDATE: Sony has had enough and decided to...

Our Top Xmas Wish List Picks

There's exciting new software, hardware and tech toys to choose from this Holiday season, here's what we hope Santa will leave under our tree. When...
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