Being at college is rewarding on a number of levels. As well as the knowledge you pick up, it is also a lot of fun. This is especially true when you think of the awesome social life students have. Although going for a coffee or enjoying a lively night out might be the most obvious example, there are other things modern college students enjoy doing.
Sports betting is the case in point and something lots of people studying at college enjoy in their spare time. This is something that is actually universal for students in all locations where betting is legal. US students in states that allow sports betting, for example, look at the top college basketball picks today in the same way as UK students look for the latest football tips to consider.
Gaming is another very popular pastime with college students and an exciting way to relax after lectures. One great way to make gaming sessions even more social is organising your very own games night to enjoy with friends. But how can you do this?
Get your prep sorted
As with any sort of party, the success of your college gaming night depends on proper organisation beforehand – it will not just come together by itself! To begin with, talk with those friends you plan to invite so you can settle on a date and time when the majority are free.
Once this is done, you can send out invites (via text, email, social media or on paper) with the relevant details and where the party will be held. For extra fun, you could also include a theme or dress code on the invite.
Set up the space
The next step, a little nearer to the time, is getting your space set up. This can really make or break the event so you need to get it right.
In terms of space, it is crucial to make sure that it is not too cluttered and that there is enough comfy seating for people to game from. If you will be trying out games that need a lot of room (such as VR titles), make sure that you have thought about this too.
Lighting can also be a major factor and it is key to ensure you have the most suitable lighting to make your party go off with a bang. It also goes without saying that you should have any gaming PCs or consoles set up to use at the party itself.

Choose which games to play
Once you set up the machines you will game on, and attach any additional kit you will use (such as external steering wheels for racing games), you need to pick which games you will be playing. A good tip is to have a variety of genres across multiple machines, if possible.
This ensures people do not get bored playing the same type of games and also do not have to wait around to play. It can also be worth choosing more social games (like the Just Dance franchise) or funny games with an interesting storyline, such as Return to Monkey Island, for maximum fun.
Think about food, drink and music
Perhaps the last really important things to think about when putting on your own games night in college are food, drink and music. Although people are coming mainly to play cool games, these extras will really help make it memorable.
In terms of music, it is important to not only think about what type to play and how you will play it (via a wireless speaker from your mobile, for example) but also how loud it will be. People, after all, will get annoyed if they cannot hear what is happening in the games they play.
Food and drink are also worth considering – no party is complete without these and you should make sure you get stocked up on both for when people arrive. A good tip here is checking out what drinks people might prefer in advance and also any special dietary requirements those coming might have.
Make your college gaming night a roaring success
Gaming is one of the top ways for college students to stay entertained and something that many enjoy. With this in mind, setting up your own gaming night in college is not only guaranteed to deliver a good time but is also something exciting to do with your friends. If you fancy giving this a go but aren’t sure how to go about it, the points listed here should come in handy.