It IS a fridge! ‘Coolest’ Xbox Series X delivered to celebs in daft publicity stunt

Props to Microsoft for having a real sense of humour

When new games system get revealed it’s only customary, in this the age of the meme, for bored enthusiasts to come up with wannabe hilarious comparisons for the machines to other objects, real or otherwise.

When the PS5 was shown off many jumped on the ‘it’s fucking huge!‘ bandwagon and made silly images to illustrate this fact, here’s mine:

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When it came to the Xbox Series X however, it wasn’t so much the size but the shape of the system that got everyone talking, as for a games console it’s a lot chunkier than than anyone would have expected.

The meme that really illustrated this point was posted shortly after the console reveal in December 2019, created by Twitter user ArcanaLegacy, who made it look like a fridge. And the rest, as they say, is history…

Microsoft was clearly on the ball with this idle amusement, deciding to post their own size comparison chart – answering a question no one was asking, but making us chuckle nonetheless:

Having thought all this silliness would forever be confined to Twitter, it was certainly a surprise when actual Xbox fridges starting showing up this week. Snoop Dogg was sent one for his birthday, along with a console and a cake (lucky bugger) and prominent YouTuber iJustine ‘unboxed’ the massive shipping crate to reveal a fully working Xbox Fridge in all it’s glory.

Check out the vid:

Personally, I’m hoping the Xbox Fridge (or I will now call it, the Xbox Series F) becomes a full retail member of the Xbox family, as there’s nothing more silly and nerdy than having your coolbox shaped like a frickin’ Xbox.

And as for those guys and gals at Microsoft PR? Get on the blower to Phil Spencer, cos I doubt he’s paying you enough!

Jim Devereaux
Jim Devereaux
Editor-In-Chief. Has contributed gaming articles to a variety of publications and produced the award-winning TV show Bored Gamers (Amazon Prime). He loves racing games, classic LucasArts adventures and building new PC gaming rigs whenever he can afford it.