Call of Duty is one of the most revolutionary first-person shooter games. It was flawless and considered one of the best at its time in the early 2000s.
The first Call of Duty game came out in 2003 with a plot set around the theme of World War 2. Activision, the Call of Duty developer, put too much effort behind it to make it perfect and exciting. It was well-received by all gamers and quickly grew in popularity. Till this date, the popularity of Call of Duty is unrivaled. With every new launch, the popularity of Call of Duty just keeps growing like Betfred promotions in UK.
Call of Duty as the best first-person shooter video game franchise?
There are many other similar games like Call of Duty with the same mechanic and gameplay but still, Call of Duty is at the top. Gamers will argue with you to prove that Call of Duty is the best first-person shooter video game franchise of all time and there are reasons to believe that. There are a lot of reasons to believe that. Let us take a look at some of them.
Reasons to believe
There are quite a lot of reasons to believe that Call of Duty is the best video game franchise. Some argue that it is the gameplay that made it the best.
Some say it is the story, some will say it is the characters and some will say that it is the realistic gun designs. All of these are correct which is why we believe that all of the reasons together made Call of Duty the best franchise. So let us look at some of those major factors.

There is no doubt that all Call of Duty comes with some remarkable stories/ campaigns. The story mode is not like go here, kill these people or go here and plant these bombs or try to defuse these bombs. No!
They are more diverse. They are more alive and the stories come with great depth and layers that almost feel real. In every Call of Duty story mode, you are not alone. You will work with a team of military or special forces. Your team will work your way out on the battlefield to reach the target location and do some operations like gather enemy intel, sabotage enemy weapons, and machines.
The other characters kind of feel real. It does not feel like they are virtual. In your mission, they will talk with you, not in a conversational manner but talk about mission reports and tasks. They will call out for help and help you too. This is what makes the story mode much more alive and engaging.
The story itself jumps around at different time points. Some of the Call of Duty games are set in a fictional future world, some are set in the past and some are set in the present day. What’s more exciting is that they are a continuation. Each story is somehow related to the other.
Call of Duty campaign modes are impossible to complete without the characters in them. They help you in completing missions and tasks. But they are not just a helper, they are like a true brother in the game.
These characters in Call of Duty have personalities. Each has its unique style of speaking, interacting, and backstory. These details in the characters make the player emotionally feel for them. It helps the player feel more connected. That is another reason why Call of Duty is considered the best franchise.
We cannot help but overlook this. The gameplay of Call of Duty. While some may argue that it is not much of a special thing as other games have the same type of one-person shooter layout, there is something very different in the case of Call of Duty.
Indeed, there isn’t much of a difference between Call of Duty and other first-person shooter games in terms of layout, but the way we are engaged with the gameplay makes the difference.
Most games have some extreme parts and then it goes down. On the other hand, Call of Duty’s gameplay stays in the extreme spectrum of entertainment most of the time.
Sometimes there is that epic slow-mo shooting sequence that is intense. It goes like this, there is a door and behind that door, we have some terrorists that are holding civilians.
We cannot harm the civilians. So what do we do in Call of Duty? Place a C-4 on the door and pick your handgun. Blast the door and the slow-mo sequence begins. It only lasts for a few seconds. In these seconds, you will have to aim your gun at the enemy and eliminate them. Not only it feels epic, but the animation of the gun and its recoil feels super real.
In Call of Duty, there is always the fear of an enemy jumping out on you from anywhere. That fear keeps our focus and attention all the time when we are playing. This is something that the other first-person shooter games could not do.
A vast collection of weapons

Speaking of weapons, Call of Duty has arguably the biggest collection of weapons. Ranging from military to regular public weapons. The list is continuously growing with new additions from the games that take place in the future.
Activision may have analyzed all military weapons and listed them in the game. All the weapons have real-life attributes. The difference in accuracy, recoil, damage, and sound effect, everything is noticeable.
The animation of the gun is also enjoyable. Different guns are reloaded differently with different margins, sound effects, and hand movements. It all happens just like it would in real life.
So much to explore
With all the intensity in campaign mode, one may simply say that Call of Duty does not have many exploration opportunities. That is not true. Call of Duty has many exploration opportunities in its maps.
You may even find some fun props and mini-games that the developers have set up for you. For example, shelves with various fruits and objects for you to shoot at the end of the mission. The thing is those are not highlighted as someone would expect them to be. You will need to explore and find it on your own.
Great story, relatable characters, realistic gun design, vast maps, these all are a portion of the formula that made Call of Duty the best franchise of first-person shooters. If you haven’t played a single Call of Duty then you don’t know what you are missing out on. So hurry up and enjoy the best franchise of first-person online shooters.