Metal Hellsinger Mod For ANY Song

We have all been enjoying the rhythm-based shooter Metal Hellsinger recently. And if you haven’t, what the hell are you doing with your life? 

Well, now things have just got a little bit more metal. Or J-pop. Or classical. Or… whichever music you fancy because from today, the devs are adding the feature to use any track you want to listen to as you shoot demons in the face. And yes, the music will affect the gameplay in exactly the same way as the music in the original version of the game. 

But before you bust out your disco stick to whack hell beasts with, just be aware a mod is needed, and a little guidance will be required to get it all set up. Happily, the folks at Funcom have provided a tutorial on how to use the mod in video and image format.

Check out the guides and the trailer below to get rocking out to Backstreet Boys, Madonna, System Of A Down and Pantera in Metal Hellsinger. 

Tristan Ovington
Tristan Ovington
Tristan enjoys narrative-heavy games and anything that's weird and indie is good too. Looking to the future, he hopes to one day design his own board game as the central pillar of his astoundingly unimpressive legacy.