Making money while doing something you enjoy is an exciting prospect, and gaming has you covered on both fronts.
A few hours of playing your favorite online game can easily fill your wallet. You may even consider pursuing the activity as a side hustle. Countless gamers picked the option amid the pandemic when they realized that they could make money from home. Many decided to pursue it for the long haul even after the lockdown ended. The good thing is that you can earn in more than one way with gaming, depending on your skills and circumstances. Here are the money-making ideas worth exploring.
Live stream your gameplay
Live streaming your gameplay on platforms like Twitch and YouTube can help you make big money. But you will have to build a large audience to get the dollars flowing by monetizing with ads. Getting a loyal audience will take the earning potential a notch higher as you can make money with subscriptions and donations. Building a live streaming audience takes time, but it is worth the effort because you have a source of steady income eventually.
Create guides and tutorials
Seasoned gamers with expertise in popular games can make money by writing guides and tutorials. You can create a website for sharing your guides or upload them on YouTube. Either way, you can monetize with online ads. Another way is to publish your guides and tutorials and sell them for generating revenues. Newbies follow guides and tutorials so you will definitely have a good audience if you pick a popular game.

Try your luck
You need not be a gaming ninja to make money with the activity. Even someone with basic skills can get a start. You can try your luck at one of the reputed OnlineCasinos to make extra dollars every week. Since it is a game of chance, make sure you play carefully. It is equally crucial to choose a legitimate and reputed platform. You can go the extra mile by checking their reviews to find one you can rely on.
Explore gaming journalism
Journalism is an excellent option for a stable and lucrative career in gaming. If you have good writing skills, you can make money, name, and fame online. Consider joining an online publication or starting your blog and building a following. You can pick a specific game, genre, or industry and write news, reviews, and interviews. The options in the field are endless, and you get creative satisfaction with this idea.
Test new games
Game publishers want to test new products before launching them in the market. They look for freelance testers as it is cheaper than hiring an in-house testing team. You can easily find testing assignments online and try your hand at these new games. It is a good idea to explore a new option even before it hits the market. As a bonus, you get paid for identifying and reporting flaws in the product.
As a gamer, you can make money in more than one way, regardless of your skill and experience levels. Pick the one that works for you, and get started.